Now, life may not be perfect, but I can confidently start this off by saying, "I'm a Kentuckian, of course, I am proud to be from the Bluegrass State." Every time I hear My Old Kentucky Home, I get a little verklempt thinking about all of the things that make our state a great place to live. Step out onto your porch on a Spring morning or Summer evening with the birds, crickets, or frogs chirping and tell me it isn't heaven on Earth.

Heaven Must Be a Kentucky Kind of Place

One of my favorite t-shirts has Daniel Boone's quote, "Heaven Must Be a Kentucky Kind of Place" printed on it. While the Commonwealth may not be some folks' cup of tea, it's definitely mine, and being in Kentucky, the tea better be sweet.

Inspired by a current TikTok trend, I've come up with a fun list of all-too-accurate stereotypes for us Kentuckians (some especially for my generation.) Please let me know if there are any I should add to it!

I'm A Kentuckian, Of Course...

Not all stereotypes are true, but some cannot be denied. I'm a Kentuckian, of course, I'm proud to be from the Bluegrass State.

Gallery Credit: Mary-Katherine Maddox

Hilarious Photos Reveal Why Muhlenberg County's the Redneck Christmas Capital

It's time to experience rednecks like you've never seen. Photographer Amy Buchannon with AJY Photography had a unique redneck experience for her clients. The results are EPIC.

Gallery Credit: Barb Birgy